
Patrick Harris


Patrick Harris is a native-speaker who is originally from Houston, Texas. He is proud to be from Houston, proud to be a cowboy and grateful for life. During his 30-year tenure of teaching English as a second language, Patrick has provided his services to miscellaneous schools, companies and institutions of higher education in Hannover and Berlin. Outside of teaching, Patrick is a singer in a Delta Blues band called Gator Harris. When time allows Patrick enjoys cooking and eating. As a hobby writer and an avid enthusiast of American culture, Patrick spends countless numbers of hours reading about and consuming the culture of his home country, the USA. After several decades of living in Germany as an ex-patriate, Germany has become his home and the German people have become his neighbors. Conveying the English language to his participants and students about culture, history, business, politics or simply explaining vocabulary and grammar are matters of the heart.

Hi, I’m Tiny.   

A native-speaker from the U.S.   An educator for over 30 yrs.As a published Fitness Author, with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication,  my love for language and culture, has led to 12 years living and teaching here in Germany,  (10 of those, with the language school HHoL)I’ve had the pleasure of training all levels, from ESL learners  to international CEOs . . . in Business, Engineering, Medical English, Translation services 

– in Groups, one-to-one, & even working with children …just to name a few. 

In case you’re wondering . . . “ Tiny “  IS  my real name. Owed  to a Mom with a playful sense of humor. When younger, I thought about changing it, but now am so glad I didn’t – as it’s always been good for a few laughs & the occasional song   “ Tiny Bubbles “ 😊

I look forward to meeting You, taking your language skills to the next level  & showing you how staying motivated, has never been so easy!  

Englischlehrkraft Elizabeth Messner

Liz Messner

· Native speaker of British English (from Scotland)

· 30+ years of teaching experience in Europe – mainly Germany

· Online and offline courses at all CEFR levels from A1 to C2

· Small groups or one-to-one courses

· General, business and conversation English

· Customized lessons to suit individual needs plus encouragement and support

· Emphasis on making learning fun while improving your English skills

Lee Robinson

ist seit 2007 als English Trainer in diversen Institutionen Hannovers unterwegs.

              Ihr Motto:

– Freude am tun –

enjoy what you do.

Lee Robinson
Englischlehrkraft Bahjat Moura

Bahjat Moura

Qualifications: BA in English Language & Literature, CELTA, TOEIC, IELTS

Interests/hobbies: YouTuber (Ironclad COBRA) and a PC gamer 

Kirsten Drescher-Fischer

Ich bin englische Muttersprachlerin und spezialisiert auf Business Englisch Gruppen- und Einzelkurse.


Beate D. Pfeiffer

Ich hatte schon immer eine Leidenschaft für Sprache(n) und Kommunikation, etwas später kam die Leidenschaft für kulturelle Themen hinzu: mein Ziel ist es, beides für  berufstätige Menschen fruchtbar und gewinnbringend zu vermitteln und zu teilen.

Trainerin für Berufssprachen (Englisch und Deutsch) und Interkulturelle Trainerin.

I have always had a passion for language(s ) and communication,  a passion for cultural topics was added a little later: my aim is to convey and share both in a fruitful and profitable way for working people.

Trainer for professional languages (English and German)
Intercultural trainer